1 pair over-the-head headphones (no earbuds)
3 composition books (wide ruled)
2 two-pocket vinyl folders
1 pencil box
2 dozen #2 pencils (pre-sharpened)
2 packages 8-count “Expo” dry erase markers (chisel tip)
3 packages Crayola Broad Line Markers
3 boxes 24-count crayons
1 pair safety scissors (Fiskars)
10 small glue sticks
2 boxes quart size closable plastic baggies
2 boxes gallon size closable plastic baggies
1 reusable pop-top water bottle
1 change of clothes
2 large boxes of tissues
1 One-inch binder
2 containers of Lysol wipes
1 pack of paper towels
Art shirt*
First Grade
1 pair over-the-head headphones (no earbuds)
2 two-pocket folders
1 pencil box
3 dozen #2 pencils (pre-sharpened)
2 packages 8-count “Expo” dry erase markers–Black (chisel tip)
2 packages Crayola Broad Line Markers
2 boxes 24-count crayons
2 erasers (bar type)
1 pair safety scissors
10 small glue sticks
1 box quart size closable plastic baggies
1 box gallon size closable plastic baggies
1 reusable pop-top water bottle
1 package/container of Wet Wipes or Clorox Wipes
2 large boxes of tissues
2 composition notebooks (wide-ruled)
1 package of index cards (3” x 5”)
1 roll of paper towels
Art shirt*
Second Grade
1 pair over-the-head headphones (no earbuds)
6 composition books (wide ruled)
4 three-prong pocket folders
1 package of index cards (3” x 5”)
1 pad of 3” square Post-It notes
1 pencil box
4 dozen #2 pencils
2 packages of 8-count “Expo” dry erase markers (chisel tip)
1 package Crayola Broad Line Markers
1 box 24-count crayons
4 erasers (bar type)
1 pair safety scissors
8 small glue sticks
1 box quart size closable plastic baggies
1 box gallon size closable plastic baggies
1 reusable pop-top water bottle
2 large boxes of tissues
2 rolls of paper towels
1 container of Clorox wipes
Art shirt*
Third Grade
- 1 pair headphones (no earbuds)
- 6 composition books (wide ruled)
- 5 three-prong pocket folders
- 1 package index cards (3x5)
- 1 pencil box
- 3 dozen #2 pencils
- 1 zippered pencil pouch
- 2 Yellow highlighter markers
- 1 package 8-count “Expo” dry erase markers (chisel tip)
- 1 package Crayola Broad Line Markers
- 1 package colored pencils
- 1 box 24-count crayons
- 3 erasers (bar type)
- 1 ruler
- 1 pad 3” square Post-It notes
- 1 pair safety scissors
- 1 box gallon size closable plastic baggies
- 1 reusable pop-top water bottle
- 2 large boxes of tissues
- 8 small glue sticks
- Art shirt*
Fourth Grade
1 pair over-the-head headphones (no earbuds)
6 composition books (wide rule)
1 package loose leaf paper (college-ruled)
4 two-pocket folders
1 package of index cards (3” x 5”)
1 pad of 3” square Post-It notes
1 pencil box
4 dozen #2 pencils
2 highlighter markers
1 package 8-count “Expo” dry erase markers (chisel tip)
1 package colored pencils
1 package Crayola Broad Line Markers
1 box 24-count crayons
1 ruler
1 protractor
1 reusable pop-top water bottle
2 large boxes of facial tissues
1 pair of regular scissors
8 small glue sticks
Art shirt*
Fifth Grade
1 pair over-the-head headphones (no earbuds)
6 composition books (wide rule)
1 package loose leaf paper (college-ruled)
5 two-pocket folders
1 pad of 3” square Post-It notes
1 pencil box
4 dozen #2 pencils
1 package 8-count “Expo” dry erase markers
1 package colored pencils
1 box 24-count crayons
2 erasers (bar type)
1 ruler
1 protractor
1 pair safety scissors
4 large glue sticks
1 reusable pop-top water bottle
2 boxes of tissues
1 large roll of paper towels
1 container of Clorox wipes
Tennis shoes must be worn daily for PE class.
* Art shirt can be an old short-sleeved shirt.
Your child may also be asked to bring additional supplies for special projects and activities. Some supplies may need to be replenished during the school year. Please do not purchase Trapper Keepers as they do not fit inside the desks.