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History of HMS

About Hoech Middle School

The current Hoech School property was obtained in 1952 for $100 and other valuable considerations. Passage of a 1953 bond issue provided the funds to build Hoech Junior High School. The school opened mid-year in January of 1955. It is named after Arthur A. Hoech, who served a superintendent of the Ritenour School District from 1920-56.

Two additions, in 1957 and 1965 followed as the school became a seventh grade center. Sixth graders were assigned to Hoech in 1981. That same year ninth graders moved to Ritenour High School and Hoech was designated as a middle school.

The 1990 bond issue provided for major renovations but no additions to the school. In 2002, improvements continued – including major remodeling of the kitchen and cafeteria.

Since its opening in 1955, Hoech has had 11 principals. Donald Walker served as principal for 25 years from 1957-82. Dr. Alexander Terrance is the current principal.